What a show! The Menstrual Cramps played support for Cockney Rejects at The Victoria, in Swindon on 16th November 2017. Emilia (lead vocalist) made a shirt for the occasion which says "NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF!"
The crowd that had previously been cheering towards the other support band, stood watching The Menstrual Cramps completely still, silent with their arms folded. Sam and I clapped and cheered and danced and sang along, OBVIOUSLY. The reaction after the gig included a whirlwind of pure hatred online, threats and abuse from some angry sexist characters. But a few men did go up to Emilia after the gig and say they really liked it.
The Menstrual Cramps, aswell as having become close friends of mine, are a band I fell in love with as soon as I saw them perform at The Exchange, Bristol, last year with Kiss Me, Killer . Their songs are about letting your bush be free, rejecting everyone's unsolicited dickpic's, culling the Tories, saving the badgers, making girls feel good, mansplaining and Jeremy Corbyn. They are some of the best humans on the planet and stand up for equality and hate fracking. Go and listen to their album We're Not Overyacting.

Above is a video I recorded from when I saw The Menstrual Cramps for the very first time at The Exchange.
Above is a video I recorded from their gig at The Old England. I strongly suggest you watch their music video for this song This Isn't What You Expected because it is one of my favourite music videos of all time. It highlights the ridiculous gender roles that still exist today and should be abolished.
Above is The Menstrual Cramp's latest music video, for their new song I Like That Top. And I'm in it! Haha dancing like a boob.